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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Winter can just go die.

I'm sitting here in my dorm room, completely bored with a million things I should be doing, and instead I'm making a summer bucket list. I'm literally sick wishing for summer right now. It's making my stomach flip-floppy just thinking of everything I'm going to do.
I've decided that life is short, and this summer I want to have as much stinking fun as humanly possible.

Here's a tentative list:
1. Go movie hopping
2. Take 1000 pictures
3. Have a photo shoot with friends
4. Go to a concert(s)
5. Write letters
6. Read a crap ton of books!
7. Lead a Bible study - afterwards, go out and share what we learned with strangers.
8. Grow my hair out, and maybe dye it.
9. Go fruit picking
10. Dig deep into Busch Wildlife. There are lots of cool places I haven't been.
11. Make a list of random acts of kindness
12. Learn how to do a cartwheel
13. Paint my bathroom
14. Make a music video
15. Make a summer 2012 scrapbook at the end!