Older Blog Posts

Monday, October 11, 2010

Some thoughts.

It's really amazing to me how God can speak to you through other people.
There's a cool verse in 1 John that says:
"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."
I always thought this verse was talking about our possessions - money, houses, cars, stuff.
Until today, I didn't apply it to people.
This verse isn't saying that you shouldn't love people, but it is saying that we shouldn't depend on people for our contentment throughout life.
My mom slapped me in the face with this today. (Not literally, I promise.)
The past 2 days I've been really bummed for various reasons, but all my problems were due to other people. All my struggles seem to link to friends, or worrying about other people and what they think. My mom knew this, and knew exactly what to say to me about it. She was bluntly honest with me, which was good.
She told me that nothing, and no one, should be able to destroy my joy. My life revolves around my friends, so much that it scares me to think of college, when I have to leave them. I get too comfortable and dependant on the people in my life, and I feel unprepared for change when it hits me.
I feel so pitiful and so dependant on other people, even though I know they will forever disappoint me. I can't seem to focus on that which I can't see: the Lord and the plans He has for my life.
I'm such a strong believer in absolutely no regrets in life-within reason, of course. But my point is, we really shouldn't worry about the things that we go through, the things people say about us. More importantly, we shouldn't depend on that stuff. What has happened has made us who we are. I need to be so strongly grounded in Jesus that I am not afraid to face change, and I'm not afraid to let people go. People are people, but God is God.

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