Older Blog Posts

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Had a bad day.

I've had kind of a crappy day so far. I had to leave school for a doctor's appointment at 10:15, and I thought I knew how to get to the hospital where my appointment was. It was my first time going to the doctor's office on my own, and on top of that I had a new doctor since our old one had left the practice. I ended up getting completely lost in an unfamiliar area, so I called my dad in tears and he helped me out. If there's one thing I hate, it's feeling helpless. I got there at 11, which is when my appointment was suppose to be, but the insurance ended up being wrong, and I couldn't fix it since I was alone, it was just awful.
I was sitting in the waiting area with tears running down my face, and 5 nurses must have passed me, looked at me, and kept walking. That really struck me as a horrible thing. When I obviously needed help, no one even asked me if I was okay. I know that if I saw a person crying I would at least sit by them and ask if I could do anything. Even if I couldn't, they'd know they're cared about. Plus, these were nurses, and it's their job to help... I just couldn't believe it.
Anyway, hopefully youth group tonight will lift my spirits. :)

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