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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

God, what do you want?

I really, really, REALLY hate this. The past few times I've talked to my mom about anything, she keeps bringing up this speech about putting all my effort into what God has laid before me right here and right now. She's indirectly saying that all my energy should be put into schoolwork.
Lately I've been struggling so hard with the question of what's really important in life. From my parent's perspective, it's getting good grades, getting into a good college, and getting a good job.
My mom has been pestering me lately about this, and I'm torn. God might be speaking to me through her, and if He is, He's not saying what I want Him to say.
There's also the other end of the scale. While my mom has been nagging me, a bundle of new opportunities have arisen in my life, opportunities that involve serving others and showing them love and kindness.
I have one friend who is keen to go down whatever road God takes him on, and carry out God's will with every step. I told my mom this tonight, and there she went again, off on the "right here right now" spiel.
How in the world am I suppose to decipher all of this when I feel like God is giving me mixed signals? Am I just blind to what is painfully obvious?

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