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Thursday, September 1, 2011

That's Radical.

Literally everyone I know would tell me that an education is important. Society considers an education the path to success in life.
What is success?
To an average person, success is health, wealth, and family.
To a crazy Christian, success is putting forth every effort into loving God and loving people. It's serving God as best you can, in whatever way He calls you. That is all that matters. It really is. I'm struggling immensely with what success is in my life. Should I work my way through school to become a doctor and potentially lose sight of the only thing that matters, or drop everything and serve Him at all costs, even the cost of living an easy, comfortable life?
What does He want me to do? This question is tearing me apart right now. I wish He would give me a clear-cut answer, but it's obvious that He's trying to teach me a lesson through this.
I'm getting better at living toward what is ahead, and not being stuck in the here and now. The same thing applies to heaven. It is SO EASY to get stuck here, to build up a life of wealth, possessions, and human approval. It is totally against our nature to set our minds on heaven, on Jesus, and to give up everything we have for that one cause.
What's holding me back? Well, I'll tell you. My parents are constantly telling me that college is my chance to pay them back for everything they've put into my education. I would let them down immensely if I did anything but my best to get a good education, leading to a good job and a good life.
If I dropped out of school to serve God in a foreign country, or even here in America, I know what the responses would be. I would be considered absolutely crazy.

But wait, isn't that EXACTLY what the disciples did? They didn't drop out of college. They dropped everything in their lives, including their jobs and their families, to follow Jesus.
"'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' AT ONCE they left their nets (and their lives) and followed him." -Matthew 4:19-20
I'm telling you, this seems so crazy to us nowadays. Society has ingrained in us that we have to follow the status quo. A radical Christian life is utter madness, yet I think I'm feeling pulled toward it. God is working something big inside of me, and when I go home for labor day weekend I'm going to have chats with some monumental Christians in my life, get some insight, ask for prayers, and do a whole lot of praying myself. I've been crying for the past couple of hours, but they're not solely tears of pain. They're tears of joy that God is revealing His perfect plan for me. With all the terror and uncertainty that comes with that, it is the most comforting feeling in the world.

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